Welsh Pony and Cob Society
Welcome to Norash Ponies
Welcome to the Norash Ponies website.

Unfortunately, due to the financial climate, I have now stopped breeding and closed the stud. I would like to take this opportunity in thanking all the wonderful people I have done business with in the past and wish you all the success for the future.

Kind regards,
Sharon Scott

Norash Windsor
Tamevalley Sahara
Please take the time to browse our wonderful selection. I have over twenty years experience in hand ponies, ridden for over forty and enjoyed every single minute!

Norash Ponies have won at:
Royal Welsh, Three Counties, Glanusk, Lampeter, West Midlands Stallion Show, Kent County, Royal Cornwall, Ponies UK, Home Counties WPC&A, Eastern WPC&A, North Western WPC&A, Midland In-hand, NPS, Mid Herts Country, Henley, Home Counties Foal Show, West Midlands Foal show, Forest of Dean plus many more.
Norash Ponies
Mrs Sharon Scott
Upper Blackgrove Farm
Bucks HP22 4AD

e: sharonkscott@hotmail.com
t: 07850 570729
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It has been a difficult year at Norash during 2009. I've had nothing out showing but seem to have been so busy trying just to keep up with all the work and jobs to be done. Several ponies have moved on from Norash this year.

Tamevalley Rocket

Sold to Rachel Smith and Simon Ellis.
Rockey is the most fantastic moving colt I've seen, Rachel has produced Rockey very well and Simon has done a wonderful job showing him. He has had so many wins during 2008/2009 and many championships too. A super colt for the future, true Pendock Legend. Very best of luck to them for their big year as a 3year old during 2010. Very good luck with your new purchase too.


Sold Philippa Kilner.
The second pony to move on was sold to Philippa Kilner as a wonderful brood mare for her top class stallion Rhydar, who is a black and white coloured stallion and I just cant wait to see the off spring of this mating!!!!!!!! Only problem is I will want to buy the foal back!!!!!!!!!!!! Cindy was the most beautiful mare ,kind and gentle, a wembley qualifier too. She has had so many wins and championships and bred some outstanding foals. So very best wishes to you Philippa and good luck. So glad Norash ponies are getting such good homes.

Sharmoor Mesmorized

Sold Salima of Amilas and Liesel of Wensley.
Good luck to Salima of Amilas and Liesel of Wensley for their purchase, this filly is destined for the top, she is just stunning, but could out pace me even when she was in second gear, she needed a runner so Go Salima and Liesel!!!!!!!! She is going to make a top class show pony, stunning looks and wonderful confirmation. And huge movement. Watch this space.

Lacy Monty

This boy I had the highest of hopes for!!! I knew from the moment I saw him he had star quality and was a very definite stallion prospect. Pasadena stud borrowed him and had the most amazing foals by him .I covered my Idyllic mare Pascali with him before he left (thank goodness I did) When he was put up for sale I had over 700 phone calls for him in under a week from all over the world and my phone was still going a month after. A medal winning stallion and a true gentleman and a top class stock getter.

Tamevalley Sahara

Sid as he was known here ,has had some very nice foals ,congratulations to Gill farrow. The first crop of foals for Gill and they are already supreme champions in the ring and looking like real champions. Very well done Gill. I will try to get some photos. Sid was the kindest most gentle stallion I have ever met, and i am sure he is going to go on and breed some wonderful stock to be proud of.

Newcomers - Islyn Gwennol

Purchased from Shan at Islyn a superb grey filly foal. By the supreme winning stallion Lacy Buzbee, who sold at Fayre Oaks for nearly £10,000 out of the beautiful mare Rhydyfelin Silver Leaf who has now been purchased by the Delami stud (bit pea green) good luck to them. Now looking forward to 2010 season.



This year also I have purchased a mare for myself to ride and have some fun on, whilst my old bones are struggling to cope a bit after all the treatment I've had, I am having great fun. So never a dull moment at Norash. My section A mare Pascali is due to foal very early Feb 2010 she is two crosses of Pendock Legend and was covered by Lacy Monty who was one cross Pendock Legend and one cross Picalo, so I am very excited about this foal.

The Royal Welsh

The royal welsh was very hard going with the wet and cold but I took some new friends for the first time and we all had a very great laugh, particularly when Rachel and Simon got locked out of their caravan and we had to borrow a picnic table to stand on and break in, we got the window open without too much trouble and gave Simon a huge push, but he then got stuck, with a pair of well is the only thing to be seen hanging out the window wiggling about. Thank you for that laugh, still laughing now. Then of course there was the electrics-because of the rain they kept tripping out so Corrina and i were in the dark, we were tripping over everything and still laughing our heads off till 3am!!!!! That's what a glass of wine and the royal welsh does!!!! Cant wait for next year. Rain or shine its always a great laugh. and a great show!!!!!

I would like once again to thank all my friends for keeping me going during 2009 and thank you all for the fun days out.

©Norash Ponies - Mrs Sharon Scott • Upper Blackgrove Farm • Quainton • Aylesbury • Bucks • HP22 4AD • e: sharonkscott@hotmail.com • t: 07850570729
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